Socially Responsible AI
Eds: David Crowther & Shahla Seifi
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most talked about innovations of the present. If we listen to what is being said then it would appear that it will take over from human intelligence in most activities and can completely replace the need to think and decide for ourselves. At the same time there is much warning about this AI and the dangers in using all its capabilities. So at the moment it seems that AI exists and is continuing to be developed but at the same time the jury is out as to whether this will be beneficial or detrimental to our future.
While there is much discussion about AI and sustainability – with predictably mixed views – the question of social responsibility and AI is much less considered. Ethics and AI is certainly one thing which is being discussed and the ethical questions are reminiscent of those raised 60 years ago by Isaac Asimov in his science fiction writing in relation to robotics. Clearly its position within human endeavour needs to be recognised and discussed as well as the applications of AI which are appropriate and helpful. At the same time the dangers must be recognised and discussed.
This is something which we wish to explore in this volume. Moreover we want to consider the best ways which it can be developed and used, and to share best practice. At the same time its role in helping achieve sustainability and its role in social responsibility need to be discussed, alongside the ethical questions which are raised. There is much which we need to do to address this important issue and this book is intended to be a contribution to the common good.
We look forward therefore to receiving your contributions. Contributions are invited from anyone who has a perspective on any aspect of this topic or any proposal for managing this new environment. It is expected that contributions will be 8000 – 12000 words in length. As quality is essential then all contributions will be reviewed prior to acceptance. Theoretical or speculative contributions are welcome along with empirical contributions.
Please send abstracts or expressions of interest to the editors by the end of August 2023.
All communications to the editors:
David Crowther & Shahla Seifi –